Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Welcome to my blog page. Enjoy the communication value it reprsesents and use it as often as you wish. Bob


Anonymous said...

I find it alarming but not unexpected that organized anti gun groups are already anticipating the Supreme Court to rule in favor of Heller in the 2nd Amendment case. As such, they are posturing themselves to begin attacks on the sale and possession of ammunition. One way or another their goal is to create an unarmed nation.

Anonymous said...

The anti gun groups will never give up, which is why all law-abiding gun owners should never assume that the NRA or "someone else" will protect and preserve their 2nd Amendment rights.

Anonymous said...

Is everyone seeing as many turkeys this spring as I am? It should be a great hunting season next month.

Anonymous said...

We've seen more this spring than last, but the outlaws are starting to shoot some before the season opens. We're hearing a shot now and again almost every morning and it's been that way for the last week or so.

Anonymous said...

I get the feeling that game enforcement is well down on DEC's priority list. Otherwise we'd hear of more poachers being caught.

Anonymous said...

I understand the feral hogs are on the increase in Tioga & Tompkins countie, neither of which are far from Chenango.

Do you think they'll eventually start showing up here?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised. Pigs are very prolific breeders which is why they're so popular with hunting preserve operations (which is probably where these NY hogs came from -- escapees from a PA preserve).

In Tennessee and Florida the feral pigs are approaching major pest status despite year-round hunting for them.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed how late the rut seems to be this fall. I didn't see many rubs until a week or so ago. Scrapes, yes, but few rubs. It'll be interesting to see if the bucks are following does the first few days of the season. Might prove to be a dilemma for hunters with both a DMP & an unfilled buck tag.

Anonymous said...

I noticed the same thing during bow season. Usually I see bucks chasing does the first week in November, but not much of that happened this year.

Anonymous said...

Is this the worst deer season ever, weather wise? Its either been pouring rain (opening day) or miserably cold with January-like winds, snow and temperatures

Bob McNitt - administrator for NYSOWA said...

Three deer in the back-40 this morning, all does. They like to bed under the red pine cluster "islands" I have there for training bird dog pups (I put scented retrieve dummies or live pigeons (in flushing cages) underneath to let the pups pick up the scent and see how well they hold on point. Never thought they'd be attractive for deer to seek shelter underneath from the snow or rain.

Anonymous said...


Let's get the communication going here. After all, we are communicators.


Bob McNitt - administrator for NYSOWA said...

After overhearing a couple discussing how they disliked hunters and hunting, both ordered hamburgers. And then when a woman friend stopped at their booth to tell them how she'd struck and killed a deer with her new car earlier that week, the man replied, "Well, at least a hunter didn't get it."

I wonder where we're heading for as increasingly more people are distancing themselves from the real "natural" world and its realities? Scary.

Anonymous said...

indifference to understanding the interactions that exist between us and the natural world (and that includes the "unnatural habitat" we create with suburban sprawl and land development) appears to be the single most dangerous threat our subsequent generations and wildlife face.

People don't understand that the deer problem many areas have (road accidents, depredation) require sound wildlife management, and hunting has proven to be the most logical and least costly method.

However, the same people complaining about too many deer are often the ones most vocal about not wanting them culled via hunting.

Bob McNitt - administrator for NYSOWA said...

I'm planning on muzzleloader hunting this afternoon, but the snow is so deep and the temperatures so low that I don't have a lot of confidence that either the deer will move late, or that the noisy snow will be conducive to still-hunting.

Monday might be THE day, since warmer temps should melt and quiet the crusty snow, and the deer will want to move and feed.

We'll see.

Visit said...

Why is it that in my section, "Blogs I'm Following," your last post is showing 8 months ago? I know I asked this earlier, but don't remember the reason. Is it at my end?

Anonymous said...

Very good!

Anonymous said...

Very rich and interesting articles, good BLOG!